Spider-Man: Homecoming

Cantina Creative

Cantina’s VFX team, led by Venti Hristova and Stephen Lawes, worked with Production VFX Supervisor Janek Sirrs and Director Jon Watts to create over 200 shots for Spider-Man: Homecoming. In 3-1/2 months Cantina assembled a talented team of artists to produce a variety of HUD graphics, holograms and monitor designs.

Mk.1 HUD

 Mk.2 HUD

Web Selection

Tracking Hologram

Vulture HUD


Client Columbia Pictures, Marvel Studios, Pascal Pictures
VFX Executive Producer Sean Cushing
VFX Supervisor Stephen Lawes
Design Supervisor Venti Hristova
VFX Producer Grace Hendley
CG/Compositors Julianne Dome, Jay Grunfeld, Jeff Olney, Brian Sales
Design/Animation Carly Cerquone, Jayse Hansen, Andrew Hawryluk, Aaron Eaton, Matt Eaton, Sang Kim, Shawn Lee, Daniel Zhang